
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Top of the Heap: How Much Can We Learn from Partial Rankings?

The recommendation system gives you a long list of alternatives, but the consumer clicks on only a handful: most appealing first, then the second best, and so on until they stop with all the remaining receiving the same rating as not interesting enough to learn more. As a result, we know the preference order for only the most preferred. Survey research may duplicate this process by providing many choices and asking only for your top three selections - your first, second and third picks. This post will demonstrate that by identifying clusters with different ranking schemes (mixtures of rankings), we can learn a good deal about consumer preferences across all the alternatives from observing only a limited ordering of the most desired (partial top-K rankings).

However, we need to remain open to the possibility that our sample is not homogeneous but contains mixtures of varying ranking schemes. To be clear, the reason for focusing on the top-K rankings is because we have included so many alternatives that no one person will be able to respond to all of them. For example, the individual is shown a screen filled with movies, songs, products or attributes and asked to pick the best of the list in order of preference. Awareness and familiarity will focus attention on some subset, but not the same subset for everyone. We should recall that N-K of the possible options will not be selected and thus be given zeros. Consequently, with individuals in rows and alternatives as columns, no one should be surprised to discover that the data matrix has a blockcluster appearance (as in the R package with the same name).
To see how all this works in practice, we begin by generating complete ranking data using the simulISR( ) function from the R package Rankcluster. The above graphic, borrowed from Wikipedia, illustrates the Insertion Sort Ranking (ISR) process that Rankcluster employs to simulate rankings. We start with eight objects in random order and sort them one at a time in a series of paired comparisons. However, the simulation function from Rankcluster allows us to introduce heterogeneity by setting a dispersion parameter called pi. That is, we can generate a sample of individuals sharing a common ranking scheme, yet with somewhat different observed rankings from the addition of an error component.

As an example, everyone intends to move #7 to be between #6 and #8, but some proportion of the sample may make "mistakes" with that proportion controlled by pi. Of course, the error could represent an overlap in the values associated with #6 and #7 or # 7 and #8 so that sometimes one looks better and other times it seems the reverse (sensory discrimination). Regardless, we do not generate a set of duplicate rankings. Instead, we have a group of ranks distributed about a true rank. The details can be found in their technical paper.

You will need to install the Rankcluster and NMF packages in order to run the following R code.

# Rankcluster needed to simulate rankings
# 100 respondents with pi=0.90
# who rank 20 objects from 1 to 20
rank1<-simulISR(100, 0.90, 1:20)
# 100 respondents with pi=0.90
# who rank 20 object in reverse order
rank2<-simulISR(100, 0.90, 20:1)
# check the mean rankings
apply(rank1, 2, mean)
apply(rank2, 2, mean)
# row bind the two ranking schemes
# set ranks 6 to 20 to be 0s
# reverse score so that the
# scores now represent intensity
# use R package NMF to uncover
# mixtures with different rankings
fit<-nmf(focus, 2, method="lee", nrun=20)
# the columns of h transposed
# represent the ranking schemes
# w contains the membership weights
# hard clustering
# validates the mixture model

Created by Pretty R at

We begin with the simulIST( ) function simulating two sets of 100 rankings each. The function takes three arguments: the number of rankings to be generated, the value of pi, and the rankings listed for each object. The sequence 1:20 in the first ranking scheme indicates that there will be 20 objects ordered from first to last. Similarly, the sequence 20:1 in the second ranking scheme inputs 20 objects ranked in reverse from last to first. We concatenate data produced by the two ranking schemes and set three-quarters of the rankings to 0 as if only the top-5 rankings were provided. Finally, the scale is reversed so that the non-negative values suggest greater intensity with five as the highest score.

The R package NMF performs the nonnegative matrix factorization with the number of latent features set to two, the number of ranking schemes generating the data. I ask that you read an earlier post for the specifics of how to use the R package NMF to factor partial top-K rankings. More generally though, we are inputting a sparse data matrix with zeros filling 75% of the space. We are trying to reproduce that data (labeled V in the diagram below) by multiplying two matrices. One has a row for every respondent (w in the R code), and the other has a column for every object that was ranked (h in the R code). What links these two matrices is the number of latent features, which in this case happens also to be two because we simulated and concatenated two ranking schemes.

Let us say that we placed 20 bottles of wine along a shelf so that the cheapest was in the first position on the left and the most expensive was last on the shelf on the far right. These are actual wines so that most would agree that the higher priced bottles tended to be of higher quality. Then, our two ranking schemes could be called "price sensitivity" and "demanding palette" (feel free to substitute less positive labels if you prefer). If one could only be Price Sensitive or Demanding Palette and nothing in between, then you would expect precisely 1 to 20 and 20 to 1 rankings for everyone in each segment, respectively, assuming perfect knowledge and execution. That is, some of our drinkers may be unaware that #16 received a higher rating than #17 or simply give it the wrong rank. This is encoded in our pi parameter (pi=0.90 in this simulation). Still, if I knew your group membership and the bottle's position, I could predict your ranking with some degree of accuracy varying with pi.

Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) seeks to recover the latent features separating the wines and the latent feature membership for each drinker from the data matrix, which you recall does not contain complete rankings but only the partial top-K. Since I did not set the seed, your results will be similar, but not identical, to the following decomposition.

Demanding Palette
Price Sensitivity
Demanding Palette
Price Sensitivity

The 20 columns from transposed h are presented first, and then the first few rows followed by the last rows from w. These coefficients will reproduce the data matrix, which contains numbers from 0 to 5. For instance, the reproduced score for the first respondent for the first object is 0*0.00000 + 386*0.01317 = 4.84656 or almost 5, suggesting that they most prefer the cheapest wine. In a similar fashion, the last row, R200, gives greater weight to the first column, and the first column seems to prefer the higher end of the wine continuum.

Clearly, there are some discrepancies toward the middle of the wine rankings, yet the ends are anchored. This makes sense given that we have data only on the top-5 rankings. Our knowledge of the ten objects in the middle comes solely from the misclassification when making pairwise comparisons set by pi=0.90. In the aggregate we seem to be able to see some differentiation even when we did not gather any individual data after the Kth position. Hopefully, C1 represents wine in a box and C20 is a famous vintage from an old village with a long wine history, making our interpretation of the latent features easier for us.

When I run this type of analysis with actual marketing data, I typically uncover many more latent features and find respondents with sizable membership weightings spread across several of those latent features. Preference for wine is based on more than a price-quality tradeoff, so we would expect to see other latent features accounting for the top-5 rankings (e.g., the reds versus the whites). The likelihood that an object makes it into the top-5 selection is a decreasing function of its rank order across the entire range of options so that we might anticipate some differentiate even when the measurement is as coarse as a partial ranking. NMF will discover that decomposition and reproduce the original rankings as I have shown with the above example. It seems that there is much we can learn for partial rankings.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Respecting Real-World Decision Making and Rejecting Models That Do Not: No MaxDiff or Best-Worst Scaling

Utility has been reified, and we have committed the fallacy of misplaced concreteness.

As this link illustrates, Sawtooth's MaxDiff provides an instructive example of reification in marketing research. What is the contribution of "clean bathrooms" when selecting a fast food restaurant? When using the drive-thru window, the cleanliness of the bathrooms is never considered, yet that is not how we answer that self-report question, either in a rating scale or a best-worst choice exercise. Actual usage never enters the equation. Instead, the wording of the question invites us to enter a Platonic world of ideals inhabited by abstract concepts of "clean bathrooms" and "reasonable prices" where everything can be aligned on a stable and context-free utility scale. We "trade-off" the semantic meanings of these terms with the format of the question shaping our response, such is the nature of self-reports (see especially the Self-Reports paper from 1999).

On the other hand, in the real world sometimes clean bathrooms don't matter (drive-thru) and sometimes they are the determining factor (stopping along the highway during a long drive). Of course, we are assuming that we all agree on what constitutes a clean bathroom and that the perception of cleanliness does not depend on the comparison set (e.g., a public facility without running water). Similarly, "reasonable prices" has no clear referent with each respondent applying their own range each time they see the item in a different context.

It is just all so easy for a respondent to accept the rules of the game and play without much effort. The R package support.BWS (best-worst scaling) will generate the questionnaire with only a few lines of code. You can see two of the seven choice sets below. When the choice sets have been created using a balanced incomplete block design, a rank ordering of the seven fruits can be derived by subtracting the number of worst selections from the number of best picks. It is call "best-worst scaling" because you pick the best and worst from each set. Since the best-worst choice also identifies the pair that is most separated, some use the term MaxDiff rather than best-worst.

 Best Items  Worst
  [ ]  Apple    [ ]
  [ ]  Banana [ ]
  [ ]  Melon    [ ]
  [ ]  Pear      [ ]

 Best Items  Worst
  [ ]  Orange   [ ]
  [ ]  Grapes   [ ]
  [ ]  Banana   [ ]
  [ ]  Melon     [ ]

The terms of play require that we decontextualize in order to make a selection. Otherwise, we could not answer. I love apples, but not for breakfast, and they can be noisy and messy to eat in public. Grapes are good to share, and bananas are easy to take with you in a purse, a bag or a coat pocket. Now, if I am baking a pie or making a salad, it is an entirely different story. Importantly, this is where we find utility, not in the object itself, but in its usage. It is why we buy, and therefore, usage should be marketing's focus.

"Hiring Milkshakes"

Why would 40% of the milkshakes be sold in the early morning? The above link will explain the refreshment demands of the AM commute to work. It will also remind you of the wisdom from Theodore Levitt that one "hires" the quarter inch drill bit in order to produce the quarter inch hole. Utility resides not in the drill bit but in the value of what can be accomplished with the resulting hole. Of course, one buys the power tool in order to do much more than make holes, which brings us to the analysis of usage data.

In an earlier post on taking inventory, I outlined a approach for analyzing usage data when the most frequent response was no, never, none or not applicable. Inquiries about usage access episodic memory so the probes must be specific. Occasion needs to be mentioned for special purchases that would not be recalled without it. The result is high dimensional and sparse data matrices. Thus, while the produce market is filled with different varieties of fruit that can be purchased for various consumption occasions, the individual buyer samples only a small subset of this vast array. Fortunately, R provides a number of approaches, including the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) outlined in my taking inventory post. We should be careful not to forget that context matters when modeling human judgment and choice.

Note: I believe that the R package support.BWS was added to the CRAN about the time that I posted "Why doesn't R have a MaxDiff package?". As its name implies, the package supports the design, administer and analysis of data using best-worst scaling. However, support.BWS does not attempt to replicate the hierarchical Bayes' estimation implemented in Sawtooth's MaxDiff, which was what was meant by R does not have a MaxDiff package.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Clusters Powerful Enough to Generate Their Own Subspaces

Cluster are groupings that have no external label. We start with entities described by a set of measurements but no rule for sorting them by type. Mixture modeling makes this point explicit with its equation showing how each measurement is an independent draw from one of K possible distributions.

Each row of our data matrix contains the measurements for a different object, represented by the vector x in the above equation. If all the rows came from a single normal distribution, then we would not need the subscript K. However, we have a mixture of populations so that measurements come from one of the K groups with probability given by the Greek letter pi. If we knew K, then we would know the mean mu and covariance matrix sigma that describe the Gaussian distribution generating our observation.

The above graphical model attempts to illustrate the entire process using plate notation. That is, the K and the N in the lower right corner of the two boxes indicate that we have chosen not to show all of the K or N different boxes, one for each group and one for each observation, respectively. The arrows represent directed effects so that group membership in the box with [K] is outside the measurement process. With K known, the corresponding mean and variance act as input to generate one of the i = 1,...,N observations.

This graphical model describes a production process that may be responsible for our data matrix. We must decide on a value for K (the number of clusters) and learn the probabilities for each of the K groups (pi is a K-valued vector). But we are not done estimating parameters. Each of the K groups has a mean vector and a variance-covariance matrix that must be estimated, and both depend on the number of columns (p) in the data matrix: (1) Kp means and (2) Kp(p+1)/2 variances and covariances. Perhaps we should be concerned that the number of parameters increases so rapidly with the number of variables p.

A commonly used example will help us understand the equation and the graphical model. The Old Faithful dataset included with the R package mclust illustrates that eruptions from the geyser can come from one of two sources: the brief eruptions in red with shorter waiting times and the extended eruptions in blue with longer waiting periods. There are two possible sources (K=2), and each source generates a bivariate normal distribution of eruption duration and waiting times (N=number of combined red squares and blue dots). Finally, our value of pi can be calculated by comparing the number of red and blue points in the figure.

Scalability Issues in High Dimensions

The red and the blue eruptions reside in the same two-dimensional space since the clustering depends only on duration. This would not be the case with topic modeling, for example, where each topic might be defined by a specific set of anchor words that would separate each topic from the rest. Similarly, if we were to cluster by music preference, we would discover segments with very specific awareness and knowledge of various artists. Again, the music preference groupings would be localized within different subspaces anchored by the more popular artists within that genre. Market baskets appear much the same with each filled with the staples and then those few items that differentiate among segments (e.g., who buys adult diapers?). In each of these cases, as with feature usage and product familiarity, we are forced to collect information across a wide range of measures because each cluster requires its own set of variables to distinguish itself from the others.

These clusters have been created by powerful forces that are stable over time: major events (e.g., moving out on your own, getting married, buying a house, having a child or retiring) and not so major events (e.g., clothes for work, devices to connect to the internet, or what to buy for dinner). Situational needs and social constraints focus one's attention so that any single individual can become familiar with only a small subset of all that we need to measure in order to construct a complete partition. Your fellow cluster members are others who find themselves in similar circumstances and resolve their conflict in much the same way.

As a result, the data matrix becomes high dimensional with many columns, but the rows are sparse with only a few columns of any intensity for any particular individual. We can try to extend the mixture model so that we can maintain model-based clustering with high-dimensional data (e.g., subspace clustering using the R package HDclassif). The key is to concentrate on the smaller intrinsic dimensionality responsible for specific cluster differences.

Yet, I would argue that nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) might offer a more productive approach. This blog is filled with posts demonstrating how well NMF works with marketing data, which is reassuring. More importantly, the NMF decomposition corresponds closely with how products are represented in human cognition and memory and how product information is shared through social interactions and marketing communications.

Human decision making adapts to fit the demands of the problem task. In particular, what works with side-by-side comparisons across a handful of attributes for two or three alternatives in a consideration set will not fill our market baskets or help us select a meal from a long list of menu items. This was Herbert Simon's insight. Consumer segments are formed as individuals come to share a common understanding of what is available and what should be preferred. In order to make a choice, we are required to focus our attention on a subspace of all that is available. NMF mimics this simplification process, yielding interpretable building blocks as we attempt to learn the why of consumption.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What is Data Science? Can Topic Modeling Help?

Predictive analytics often serves as an introduction to data science, but it may not be the best exemplar given its long history and origins in statistics. David Blei, on the other hand, struggles to define data science through his work on topic modeling and latent Dirichlet allocation. In Episode 10 of Talking Machines, Blei discusses his attempt to design a curriculum for the Data Science Institute at Columbia University. The interview starts at 9:20. If you do not wish to learn about David's career, you can enter the conversation at 13:10. However, you might want to listen all the way to the end because we learn a great deal about data science by hearing how topic modeling is applied across disciplines. Over time data science will be defined as individuals calling themselves "data scientists" change our current practices.

The R Project for Statistical Computing assists by providing access to a diverse collection of applications across fields with differing goals and perspectives. Programming forces us into the details so that we cannot simply talk in generalities. Thus, topic modeling certainly allows us to analyze text documents, such as newspapers or open-ended survey comments. What about ingredients in food recipes? Or, how does topic modeling help us understand matrix factorization? The ability to "compare and contrast" marks a higher level of learning in Bloom's taxonomy.

While visiting Talking Machines, you might also want to download the MP3 files for some of the other episodes. The only way to keep up with the increasing number of R packages is to understand how they fit together into some type of organizational structure, which is what a curriculum provides.

You can hear Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun discuss the history of deep learning in Episodes 5 and 6. If nothing else, the conversation will help you keep up as R adds packages for deep neural networks and representation learning. In addition, we might reconsider our old favorites, like predictive analytics, with a new understanding. For example, what may be predictive in choice modeling might not be the individual features as given in the product description but the holistic representation as perceived by a consumer with a history of similar purchases in similar situations. We would not discover that by estimating separate coefficients for each feature as we do with our current hierarchical Bayesian models. Happily, we can look elsewhere in R for models that can learn such a product representation.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Centering and Standardizing: Don't Confuse Your Rows with Your Columns

R uses the generic scale( ) function to center and standardize variables in the columns of data matrices. The argument center=TRUE subtracts the column mean from each score in that column, and the argument scale=TRUE divides by the column standard deviation (TRUE are the defaults for both arguments). For instance, weight and height come in different units that can be compared more easily when transformed into standardized deviations. Since such a linear transformation does not alter the correlations among the variables, it is often recommended so that the relative effects of variables measured on different scales can be evaluated. However, this is not the case with the rows.

A concrete example will help. We ask a group of consumers to indicate the importance of several purchase criteria using a scale from 0=not at all important to 10=extremely important. We note that consumers tend to use only a restricted range of the scale with some rating all the items uniformly higher or lower. It is not uncommon to interpret this effect as a measurement bias, a preference to use different portions of the scale. Consequently, we decide to "correct for scale usage" by calculating deviation scores. First, we compute the mean score for each respondent across all the purchase criteria ratings, and then we subtract that mean from each rating in that row so that we have deviation scores. The mean of each consumer or row is now zero. Treating our transformed scores like any other data, we run a factor analysis using our "unbiased" deviation ratings.

Unfortunately, we are now measuring something different. After row-centering, individuals with high product involvement who place considerable importance on all the purchase criteria have the same rating profiles as those more casual users who seldom attend to any of the details. In addition, by forcing the mean for every consumer to equal zero, we have created a linear dependency among the p variables. That is, we started with p separate ratings that were free to vary and added the restriction that the p variables sum to zero. We lose one degree of freedom when we compute scores that are deviations about the mean (as we lose one df in the denominator for the standard deviation and divide by n-1 rather than n). The result is a singular correlation matrix that can no longer be inverted.

Seeing is believing

The most straightforward way to show the effects of row-centering is to generate some multivariate normal data without any correlation among the variables, calculate the deviation scores about each row mean, and examine any impact on the correlation matrix. I would suggest that you copy the following R code and replicate the analysis.

# p is the number of variables
# simulates 1000 rows with
# means=5 and std deviations=1.5
apply(x, 2, sd)
# calculate correlation matrix
# correlations after columns centered
# i.e., column means now 0's not 5's
x2<-scale(x, scale=FALSE)
apply(x2, 2, sd)
round(R2-R,8) # identical matrices
# checks correlation matrix singularity
# row center the ratings
x_rowcenter<-x-apply(x, 1, mean)
round(RC-R,8) # uniformly negative
# row-centered correlations singular
# orginal row means normally distributed
# row-centered row means = 0
# mean lower triangular correlation
mean(R[lower.tri(R, diag = FALSE)])
mean(RC[lower.tri(R, diag = FALSE)])
# average correlation = -1/(p-1)
# for independent variables
# where p = # columns

[Created by Pretty R at]

I have set the number of variables p to be 11, but you can change that to any number. The last line of the R code tells us that the average correlation in a set of p independent variables will equal -1/(p-1) after row-centering. The R code enables you to test that formula by manipulating p. In the end, you will discover that the impact of row-centering is greatest with the fewest number of uncorrelated variables. Of course, we do not anticipate independent measures so that it might be better to think in terms of underlying dimensions rather than number of columns (e.g., the number of principal components suggested by the scree test). If your 20 ratings tap only 3 underlying dimensions, then the p in our formula might be closer to 3 than 20.

At this point, you should be asking how we can run regression or factor analysis when the correlation matrix is singular. Well, sometimes we will get a warning, depending on the rounding error allowed by the package. Certainly, the solve function was up to the task. My experience has been that factor analysis packages tend to be more forgiving than multiple regression. Regardless, a set of variables that are constrained to sum to any constant cannot be treated as if the measures were free to vary (e.g. market share, forced choice, rankings, and compositional data).

R deals with such constrained data using the compositions package. The composition of an entity is represented by the percentages of the elements it contains. The racial or religious composition of a city can be the same for cities of very different sizes. However, it does not matter whether the sum is zero, one or a hundred. Forced choice, such as MaxDiff (Sawtooth's MaxDiff=100*p), and ranking tasks (sum of the ranks) are also forced to add to a constant.

I have attempted to describe some of the limitations associated with such approaches in an earlier warning about MaxDiff. Clearly, the data analysis becomes more complicated when we place a priori restrictions on the combined values of a set of variables, suggesting that we may want to be certain that our work requires us to force a choice or row center.

Friday, May 8, 2015

What Can We Learn from the Apps on Your Smartphone? Topic Modeling and Matrix Factorization

The website for The Burning House begins with a simple question:
If your house was burning, what would you take with you? It's a conflict between what's practical, valuable and sentimental. What you would take reflects your interests, background and priorities. Think of it as an interview condensed into one question.
But what about the more mundane and everyday stuff? As an example from an earlier post, I borrowed a quote popularized by the Iron Chef, "Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are."

Do the choices we make reveal some underlying trait or situational demands that will enable us to predict future behavior? If one gathers up all the valuables and leaves behind the wedding album to burn in the house, can we guess more accurately using this information how long the marriage will last?

What about the apps on your smartphone? The list is long and growing with games, lifestyle, travel, music and entertainment, plus utilities, education, books, reference and business. Such a categorization imposes an organization that may not reflect the patterns we see in actual app download and usage. As an analogy, we can divide the supermarket into aisles marked with different signage (bread here in the middle of the store and butter over there along the wall), yet the market baskets rolled through the checkout reflect a very different associative network. Your phone is the basket, and your apps are the items purchased (or frequency of app usage equals amount of item bought). What is in your basket reflects your personal combination of wants and needs (e.g., a special trip before the big game on TV or your primary shopping for the week).

An alternative approach might treat this as a form of topic modeling with your phone as a document and app usage levels as frequency of word occurrences. Topics are the latent variables that generate the pattern of app co-occurrences (e.g., similar interests, needs or networks). The R package stm for Structural Topic Modeling may provide a gentle introduction for the social scientist, although Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) still remains one step beyond the statistical training for most. This, of course, will change as more researchers are motivated to learn the mathematics given the promise of easier to use R packages.

Meanwhile, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) accomplishes a similar task with decomposition techniques from linear algebra. We start with the assumption that there are underlying usage patterns, such as, taking pictures, emailing them or posting to Facebook. Several apps are likely to achieve the same goal. The purposes that organize app usage are the latent variables. These same latent variables are also responsible for similarity among users. Users are similar because they use the same apps, but they use the same apps because they share the same motivations or purposes represented by the latent variables. The apps work together for like users to achieve the same ends.

To simplify, we can think of this as a joint factor analysis of the apps and a cluster analysis of the users. Thus, from a single data matrix NMF delivers two matrices: (1) "factor loadings" showing the relationship between the latent variables and the apps and (2) cluster membership weights reported for each user indicating the contribution of each latent variable to that user's app usage profile. We now have a matrix factorization or decomposition:

[ usage data ] = [ user latent profile ] x [ app latent profile ].

Do you play games on your phone to pass the time while waiting? These games are likely not the same ones you would play if you wanted to compete against others. More than one game can accomplish the same goal, so multiple apps "load" on the same latent variable. A user might do both at different times, therefore, that user belongs in both "clusters" (with each user cluster defined by a different latent variable). In NMF, the whole can be generated as the sum of the parts, which I have illustrated in my building blocks post.

Nielsen reports that less than 30 apps are used by the average smartphone owner. Can we agree that the usage data matrix will be sparse, given the number of available apps? However, we expect to find user-by-app blocks with higher densities. Such "clumping" occurs in high-dimensional spaces when users are heterogeneous with different groupings of wants and needs. These user clusters seek out blocks of apps that serve their purposes, creating joint clusters of uses and apps. This is what we uncover with NMF and LDA.

Note: My post on Brand and Product Category Representation ends with a list of examples containing the R code needed to run the R package NMF and perform the type of analysis reviewed here.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Clusters May Be Categorical but Cluster Membership Is Not All-or-None

Very early in the study of statistics and R, we learn that random variables can be either categorical or continuous. Regrettably, we are forced to relearn this distinction over and over again as we debug error messages produced by our code (e.g., "x must be numeric"). R will reminds us that if the function expects an argument to be a factor, our input ought to be a factor (although sometimes the function will do the conversion for us). Dichotomous variables do give us some flexibility for sex can be entered as a factor with values 'male' and 'female' or coded as numeric with values of 0 and 1 indicating degree of 'maleness' or 'femaleness' depending on whether male or female is assign the value of 1. Similarly, when the categorical variable has many levels, there is no reason not to select one of the levels as the basis for comparison. Then, the dummy coding remains 0 and 1 with the base level coded as 0s for all the comparisons (e.g., Catholic vs Protestant, Jewish vs Protestant, and so on).

Categories vs. Dimensions or Continuous vs. Discrete

The debate over psychiatric classification has bought the battle into the news, as has changes in the admission policies of women's colleges to accept transgender applicants. I have discussed the issue under both clustering and latent variable modeling. It seems just too easy to dissolve the boundaries and blur the distinctions for almost any categorization scheme. For instance, race is categorical, and one is either European or Asian, unless of course, they are some mixture of the two. I have borrowed that example and the following figure from a video lecture by Katherine Heller (also shown as Figure 1 in her paper).

We are familiar with finite mixture model from the mclust R package. Although I have shown only the contour ellipsis, you should be able to imagine the two multivariate normal distributions in some high-dimensional space that would separate Europeans (perhaps the blue ellipse) and Asians (which then must be in green). As geographical barriers fall, racial membership becomes partial with many shades or groupings between the ideal types of the finite mixture model.

Both the finite mixture model (FMM) and the mixed membership model (MMM) permit data points to fall between the centroids of the two most extreme densities. For example, a finite mixture model will yield a probability of cluster membership that can range from 0 to 1. However, the probability from the finite mixture model represents classification error, which increases with cluster overlapping. This is not unlike the misclassification from a discriminant analysis, that is, the groups are distinct but we are unable to separate them completely with the available data. The probabilities from the partial or mixed membership model, on the other hand, do not represent uncertainty but a span of possible clusters arrayed between the two extreme ideals.

The analysis of the voting record from United States senators presented toward the end of Heller's paper might help us understand this previous point. One might infer a latent continuum that separates Democrats and Republicans, but the distribution is not uniform. Democrats tend to bunch at one end and Republicans clump at the other. In between are Democrats from more conservative southern states and Republicans from more liberal northern states. One might argue that the voting dynamics or data generation processes are different for these clusters so that it makes sense to think of the continuum as separated into four regions with boundaries imposed by the political forces constraining their votes.

Interestingly, we learn something about the bills and resolutions in the process of accounting for differences among senators. Some votes are not strictly party-line. For example, senators from states with large military bases often vote the same on appropriations impacting their constituency regardless of their party affiliation. More importantly, the party accepts such votes as necessary and does not demand loyalty unless it is necessary to pass or defeat important bills. Legislation comes in different types and each elicits its own voting strategies (the switching interpretation).

Implementations of Mixed Membership Models in R

One of the less demanding approaches is the grade of membership (GoM) model. The slides from April Galyardt's NIPS 2012 workshop illustrates the major points (see her dissertation for a more complete discussion). R implements the GoM model with the gom.em function in the package sirt. For a somewhat more general treatment, R offers a battery of IRT mixture model packages ( e.g., psychomix and mixRasch). However, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) accomplishes a similar mixed membership modeling simultaneously for both the rows and columns of a data matrix using only a decomposition procedure from linear algebra.

Simply put, NMF seeks a common set of latent variables to serve as the basis for both the rows and columns of a data matrix. In our roll call voting example, we might list the senators as the rows and the bills as the columns. Legislation that yielded pure party-line votes would be placed at the extremes of a latent representation that might be called party affiliation. Senators who always vote with their party would also be placed at the ends of a line separating these pure types. We might call this latent variable a dimension representing the Democrat-Republican continuum, although the distribution appears bimodal. Any two points define a line, so we can always infer a dimension even if there is little or no density except at the ends.

Some votes demand party loyalty, but other measures evoke a "protect-my-seat" response (e.g., any bill that helps a large industry or constituency in the senator's state). Such measures would move some senators away from the edges of the liberal-conservative divide as they switched voting strategies from party to state. Alternatively, the bill may elicit social versus economic concerns, or provoke nervousness concerning a primary challenge. Each voting strategy will group bills and cluster senators by generating latent basis vectors. You can think of a NMF as a joint factor analysis of the votes (columns) and cluster analysis of the senators (rows). Each latent variable is a voting strategy so that senators who switch strategies depending on the bill will have mixed memberships as will bills that can be voted for or against for different reasons.